Monday, July 11, 2011


"You’ll never see me again," I resentfully boasted-
But the words never left my lips.

Never was I a fan of goodbyes,
Nor of the formalities that people
exercise upon departures of sorts.

Perhaps I am a coward.

But on that particular morning,
I was a bit more drunk than usual,
and found myself wandering down a train track in the early a.m. hours.

I don’t know if anyone saw me
in such shameful condition,
but in my intoxicated emotional whirlwind
I wholeheartedly believed I was invisible.
*Except for that fucking dog that kept barking at me.

And then I wandered off
Down to the river bank,
Collapsed on the ground
and watched the cold billow from
my breath like smoke.

I sat for a while before I came to my senses,
I managed to clumsily fall on the tracks 
and bruise my knee...
and somehow make it home to my bed.

When I woke, many things had changed,
But one thing stayed the same:
I knew that he really wouldn’t ever see me again...

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