Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Are You Ready?

Happy New Year. And so it goes. Another year. Days and days will pass yet once again filled with all of our heart's desires. I hope this year proves satisfying for you all.

Today is a new day. A day of renewal. A day to revive lost faiths. A day to turn our heads to wounds of the past. It is a new year.

Nothing is of waste if we have managed to extract some sort of knowledge from it. The good, the bad, the ugly: everything comes bearing gifts.

Let this be your year to stand strong. To be whom you were intended to be. Be cautious. Know your value. Be discriminatory. You are the only YOU. If the people in your life do not see your value, then move along. Paulo Coelho said it best when he wrote, "Eat when it’s time to eat. And move along when it’s time to move along."

Recognize those that love you. Give them your love and your time.

Protect the hearts of those that are near to you.

Beware the joker.

Be kind and gentle to your fellow man.

Know that we all suffer in unity, yet we all are unique in our struggles.

Be patient.

Be kind.

Be honest.

Give love.

Or be the void, but be it quick--

anyone will understand your need to disappear as long as you don't try to deceive.

Goodbye, 2012.

Goodnight, my loves.